Schools and Monks in Siem Reap

Early morning stroll near Peace of Angkor Villa.
Lately I've been waking up early. I guess that means I've adjusted to the clock as I always wake up early in the USA. Today, I left the villa at 6:30 to do some foot exploration. After a short walk I came upon a monastery and school. What a scene! Even at 6:30AM, things were really rocking! I arrived in time for the special flag raising ceremony. This particular school is a primary school, so I'd guess all the children are five or six up to maybe 12, much like primary school in the USA. Both boys and girls are allowed to attend and appear to be in mixed classes. All the students are in uniform. The girls are all clad in plain white blouses and navy blue skirts usually knee length or somewhat longer. This not being Upper Manhattan, Cherry Creek or Bloomfield Hills, there is some latitude allowed. Some girls have denim skirts, some are more traditional. The boys are in white shirts as well with the younger boys in short pants and most of the older boys with long pants. Again,some latitude is allowed as to shade of blue and fabric. All the students line up in two groups, one on the east side of the flag and the other on the west side. This morning a young boy of perhaps eleven or twelve led the ceremony. As he spoke various commands, two other students, a boy and a girl began raising the flag. When that was complete, he led the students in several other activities involving foot movements and hand raising. When that was finished the students scattered in the direction of their various class buildings, chattering and smiling at me. Kids are kids and they love to hang out with their friends. Some hurried to class and some straggled tremendously. Same everywhere....
As I wandered out of the school yard, I was "accosted" by a young monk. Everyone wants to practice their English. Just as I was amazed on my November trip here, I was again surprised at how well Cambodians in general speak English. The monk spent about 45 minutes with me showing me around the monastery. He told me about the many buildings and their uses, including the crematorium which is used regularly. Perhaps 50 monks, 20 nuns and 50 "boy" monks live there full time and are dependent on the charity of the local community for food. Local residents are apparently quite generous as none of the monks appear to be underfed!
Next stop, the Siem Reap District Nursery School! I headed off toward the river thinking to walk the banks and enjoy the water. But I was quite distracted by the nursery school. As I approached I could see yet another schoolyard filled with children. These children, too, were mostly in the same white and blue shirt and skirt or shorts. But these were children from perhaps three to five years old. I was fascinated by their curiousity and relative lack of shyness with me. They LOVED having their pictures taken and howled with laughter when I showed them the pictures. As any of you could guess, I took massive amounts of pictures there. I've posted quite a few pics from today.
More to come on some of the past days jaunts as well as my progress on the book in the next few days. We're starting to get some thunder and lightning and I think I'll just end for now!

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