Landmine survivors and traditional Cambodian music

On a different note:
Cambodia has been ravaged by war for decades. First, during the Vietnam conflict in the 60’s and 70’s, then in more conflict with Vietnam and finally with the horrific Khmer Rouge mass killings Cambodia has had tremendous human casualties. Landmines have claimed thousands of lives and tainted thousands more. Although today many of the landmines have been found and removed, many more remain. The Cambodian Mine Action Centre ( estimates that there are still millions of mines and unexploded bombs in Cambodia today. It is a regular occurrence to read of another undiscovered landmine maiming or killing an unsuspecting Cambodian. On the streets of Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and indeed all over Cambodia one can see landmine casualties begging on the streets. In the vast Angkor complex outside of Siem Reap, there are several groups of landmine victims who play traditional Khmer music and sell their CDs and tapes to earn a living. This type of ensemble is called a “mohon”. When I was there in November, I saw and heard three different ensembles. Each one was well worth spending some time listening to. Even in the heat of midday.

A gentleman named Sem Sovantha founded an organization called AAD, or Angkor Association for the Disabled. The purpose of his organization is to help these disabled people to help themselves. His work is primarily but not exclusively related to the landmine survivors in the Siem Reap area. He has refused to allow himself to be a victim. Despite the loss of both legs, he makes a difference in the world. He and his organisation have changed many lives and given hope to those with no hope. No one wants to be a beggar and Sem Sovantha's organisation assists the survivors to earn money in a variety of ways. The music is just one way. More information on his organization can be found at:

In addition to this organization perhaps the most well-known and active worldwide foundation setup to remove and disarm landmines as well as to provide victim assistance and rehabilitation is Adopt-A-Minefield. These folks have raised millions of dollars which assist not only Cambodia and Cambodians, but people in many other countries as well. More information can be found at :

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