On being sick in Muang Thai

Sawatdii Khrap!
My posting slowed down this week. Nothing like a major sore throat to drain energy. Those of us that have traveled extensively have no doubt experienced the pleasure of being sick far away from home. After a few weeks of going in and out of air conditioned buildings, having the air conditioner in my apartment working overtime and breathing the not so clean air of Krung Theep, I came down with a massive sore throat. You know the kind. The kind that keeps you awake at night and keeps you aware of it 24/7. The kind that's not so terrible that it's easy to justify just lying in bed all day. That's what I've had for the past week.

Interestingly, one can get antibiotics over the counter here. So at first I went to the local pharmacy and stocked up on something called rovamycin which is supposed to be for sore throats. After 3 days and no improvement, I finally gave in and decided to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Bangkok has one great hospital and fortunately I live within walking distance of it. It's called Bumrungrad Hospital. Two years ago when I broke my ankle over here, I went there and had a great experience. They are very competent and the hospital is as modern as any in the USA. They have excellent equipment and a very streamlined procedure for foreigners. Since I was a previous patient of the hospital, I was directed straight to the Eye Ear Nose and Throat (EENY) clinic. Within 20 minutes I was in the Doctor's office and after a normal examination, I was given various drugs and sent on my way. The checkout procedure was quick and easy. I doubt if it could have been easier anywhere in the USA. Bet you thought I was going to give you a horror story!!! Anyway after a day on the new meds and a good night's sleep, I'm definitely feeling better.

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